US Says Benefit Plan Scheme Costs Millions In Taxes

Law360, New York (October 11, 2013, 2:38 PM ET) -- The U.S. government sued an insurance program marketer in California federal court Wednesday in an effort to shut down a purported scheme pushing small businesses to buy into employee benefits programs it claims are structured to cheat the government out of millions of dollars in taxes.
The government’s complaint accuses KAE Insurance Services Inc. and affiliated entities of hawking voluntary employee beneficiary association plans on the misleading promise that the participating businesses can legally write off plan contributions as federal income tax deductions while still recouping the full value of those contributions down the road, according to the complaint.

The defendants have long been well aware, however, that the plans as structured violate the Internal Revenue Code and regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and their activities must be halted via a court injunction, the government argues.

“Defendants have continued to falsely claim that the VEBA plans in fact comply with the tax laws, and manage and promote them to this day despite their documented knowledge of the illegality of the plans,” the government said. “The result is significant amounts of lost tax revenue to the treasury based on erroneously claimed tax deductions.”

The complaint alleges that named defendant and California resident Kenneth Elliott has since 2001 used a network of businesses, independent certified public accountants and financial planners to sell companies on the VEBA plans on the promise they can provide “a lucrative and tax-advantaged method to accrue wealth.”

Promotion of those plans has led participating companies across the country to deduct millions in contributions, despite the fact that the IRS decided more than a decade ago — in a determination repeatedly upheld by federal courts — that massive tax write-offs under such plans are at odds with federal law, according to the complaint.

The government said one audit of some 41 customers who participated in the plans marketed by the defendants revealed a total tax deficiency of nearly $14 million, and further estimated the potential total loss to date to be over $70 million.

Elliot and his co-defendants are said to push the VEBA plans on wealthy customers with closely-held businesses such as medical practices, pitching the programs as a legal and tax-free means of providing medical or death benefits to employees, according to the complaint.

VEBA contributions are placed into a trust used to purchase insurance contracts, the premiums for which would otherwise be included as part of that employee’s gross income if purchased directly. Because such plans have in the past been used as tax shelters, federal law tightly regulates the ways in which plan contributions may be deducted, the government said.

The complaint noted that one common example of how such plans have been used as “vehicles for rampant tax abuse” involves paying excessive contributions to obtain cash value insurance policies set aside for future benefits to company owners that do not actually provide welfare benefits to employees but instead are a means of distributing excess corporate profits and softening current federal tax obligations.

The involvement of Sea Nine Associates Inc. — which sponsors the VEBA plans promoted by the instant suit defendants and is itself a named defendant — in a suit over those plans more than a decade ago serves as evidence that the defendants are well aware of the potential illegality of their enterprise, the government said.

“The core purpose and effect of the participation in a Sea Nine VEBA plan is to provide participants with a mechanism to accumulate wealth for their personal benefit, unlawfully protecting that income from federal taxation by treating it as a welfare benefit when it was that in name only,” the complaint said.

Representatives for the parties were not immediately available for comment Friday.

Counsel information for the defendants was not immediately available.

The case is United States of America v. Kenneth Elliott et al, case number 8:13-cv-01582 in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.


  1. Abusive Tax Shelters & 419 Plans Lawsuits
    412i, 419e plans litigation and IRS Audit Experts for abusive insurance based plans deemed reportable or listed transactions by the IRS.

    Sunday, July 1, 2012

    IRS to Audit Sea Nine VEBA Participating Employers

    Lance Wallach

    In recent months, I have received phone calls from participants in the Sea Nine VEBA and have learned that the IRS may be auditing many more participating employers in the coming months. To better assist current Sea Nine clients and those that are now or may be under audit in the future, my associates who are CPAs, tax attys and former IRS employees will continue to help with the Sea Nine VEBA victims and others in 419, 412i captive insurance and section 79 scams and answer the following:
    • What is the IRS’s position with respect to the Sea Nine VEBA, 419 captive insurance and section 79 scams?
    • What will be the likely result of my audit?
    • What if I don't agree with my audit results?
    • What are other participants doing with respect to the audits?

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    Dec 1, 2013 - In recent months, I have received phone calls from participants in the Sea Nine VEBA and have learned that the IRS may be auditing many ...
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    Failing to File Form 8886 for VEBAs like Sea Nine VEBA create‎
    Taxpayers who participate in 419A(f)(6) multiple employer plans like the Sea Nine VEBA are often very discouraged to find the IRS applying multiple penalties ...
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    6707A Penalties & 419 Plans Litigation: Court CaseSea Nine Veba‎
    Mar 30, 2012 - Taxpayers who participate in 419A(f)(6) multi

  3. Search Results RAMESH SARVA: Sarva- More You Should Know ...‎
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    Jan 21, 2014 - RAMESH SARVA Tuesday, January 7, 2014 SARVA Defendants have also directly and indirectly promoted the VEBA plan scheme to ...
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    Mar 7, 2014 - RAMESH SARVA Tuesday, January 7, 2014. United States Of America, Oct. 9th 2013. Plantiff, Case No SACV13-1582 vs. Kenneth Elliot d/b/a Kae Insurance ...

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    Mar 19, 2014 - Mar 7, 2014 - RAMESH SARVA: Sarva- More You Should Know‎ Tuesday, January 7 ...
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    Mar 7, 2014 - RAMESH SARVA Tuesday, January 7, 2014. United States Of America, Oct. 9th 2013. Plantiff, Case No SACV13-1582 vs. Kenneth Elliot d/b/a Kae Insurance ...

  5. 412i-419 Plans
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    How to Avoid IRS Fines for You and Your Clients | LifeHealthPro

  6. IRS tax relief firm, Lance Wallach, speaking
    Tuesday, March 4, 2014

    RAMESH SARVA: SARVA: Defendants have also directly and indirectly promoted the VEBA plan scheme to prospective participants. Sarva for his part has been marketin...

    Sea Nine Veba Benistar - CJA and associates Review 300237 Oct ...‎
    Oct 24, 2012 - 1 of 2 Sea Nine Veba Benistar Reviews ...... Kenneth Elliott, Prudential Insurance Company, Comerica Bank, Ramesh Sarva, CPA, PC and Sea ...
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    Finance Experts .org - Bravenet‎
    Sep 30, 2013 - 23 posts - ‎22 authors
    section 79 help sea nine veba audits Similarly, the IRS position on single ... KENNETH ELLIOT: Sea Nine VEBA Important
    Posted by Lance Wallach at 7:27 AM
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    Lance WallachMay 7, 2014 at 7:19 AM
    WebCPAs "reflecting the tax consequences of the strategy", it could be argued that
    continued benefit from a tax deferral for a previous tax deduction is within the contemplation
    of a "tax consequence" of the plan strategy. Also, many taxpayers who no longer make
    contributions or claim tax deductions continue to pay administrative fees. Sometimes,
    money is taken from the plan to pay premiums to keep life insurance policies in force. In
    these ways, it could be argued that these taxpayers are still "contributing", and thus still
    must file Form 8886.

    It is clear that the extent to which a taxpayer benefits from the transaction depends on the
    purpose of a particular transaction as de

  7. Expert Witness in 419 Plan and other Civil Litigation
    Frankly, not everybody does it right. Whether through ignorance or ill-intent, some folks sell insurance based programs with tax benefits, such as 419 Plans and 412(i) Plans, or promote premium financing or STOLI programs to unsuspecting consumers leaving the consumer to be eaten alive, either by the IRS or by a turn in the economy, when all goes wrong. But the opposite is also true. Some 419 Plans and 412(i) Plan are very well designed and flawlessly implemented but the IRS just shoots first and aims second. Some legitimate premium financing might miscue.

  8. Expert Witness in 419 Plan and other Civil Litigation
    Frankly, not everybody does it right. Whether through ignorance or ill-intent, some folks sell insurance based programs with tax benefits, such as 419 Plans and 412(i) Plans, or promote premium financing or STOLI programs to unsuspecting consumers leaving the consumer to be eaten alive, either by the IRS or by a turn in the economy, when all goes wrong. But the opposite is also true. Some 419 Plans and 412(i) Plan are very well designed and flawlessly implemented but the IRS just shoots first and aims second. Some legitimate premium financing might miscue.


    Department of Justice
    Tax Division
    Monday, September 15, 2014
    Federal Court Bars Nevada Corporation From Promoting Alleged Tax Scheme

    Firm Allegedly Marketed Welfare Benefit Plans That Unlawfully Increased Tax Deductions And Avoided Income Taxes

    WASHINGTON – A federal court has permanently barred Sea Nine Associates Inc. from promoting and selling an alleged nationwide tax scheme that involved using welfare benefit plans to unlawfully increase and accelerate tax deductions and avoid income taxes, the Justice Department announced today.

    On Sept. 12, U.S. District Judge Josephine L. Staton for the Central District of California entered a judgment of permanent injunction against Sea Nine.

    According to the complaint, welfare benefit plans permit companies to pool together and make monetary contributions toward the purchase of life insurance for the benefit of each participating company's employees or principals. Participants in legitimate welfare benefit plans may be able to deduct their plan contributions as a business expense. The government alleged that Sea Nine marketed the unlawful welfare benefit plans to more than 200 entities. The injunction order bars Sea Nine from selling and managing any purported welfare benefit plans.

    In the past decade, the department's Tax Division has obtained more than 500 injunctions to stop tax fraud promoters and tax return preparers. Information about these cases is available on the department's website. An alphabetical listing of persons enjoined from preparing returns and promoting tax schemes can be found on this page. If you believe that one of the enjoined persons or businesses may be violating an injunction, please contact the Tax DivisionEmail links icon with details.


    Department of Justice
    Tax Division
    Monday, September 15, 2014
    Federal Court Bars Nevada Corporation From Promoting Alleged Tax Scheme

    Firm Allegedly Marketed Welfare Benefit Plans That Unlawfully Increased Tax Deductions And Avoided Income Taxes

    WASHINGTON – A federal court has permanently barred Sea Nine Associates Inc. from promoting and selling an alleged nationwide tax scheme that involved using welfare benefit plans to unlawfully increase and accelerate tax deductions and avoid income taxes, the Justice Department announced today.

    On Sept. 12, U.S. District Judge Josephine L. Staton for the Central District of California entered a judgment of permanent injunction against Sea Nine.

    According to the complaint, welfare benefit plans permit companies to pool together and make monetary contributions toward the purchase of life insurance for the benefit of each participating company's employees or principals. Participants in legitimate welfare benefit plans may be able to deduct their plan contributions as a business expense. The government alleged that Sea Nine marketed the unlawful welfare benefit plans to more than 200 entities. The injunction order bars Sea Nine from selling and managing any purported welfare benefit plans.

    In the past decade, the department's Tax Division has obtained more than 500 injunctions to stop tax fraud promoters and tax return preparers. Information about these cases is available on the department's website. An alphabetical listing of persons enjoined from preparing returns and promoting tax schemes can be found on this page. If you believe that one of the enjoined persons or businesses may be violating an injunction, please contact the Tax DivisionEmail links icon with details.


  11. Beat the IRS 3
    412i, 419e plans litigation and IRS Audit Experts for abusive insurance based plans deemed reportable or listed transactions by the IRS.

    RAMESH SARVA: Defendant Ramesh Sarva
    RAMESH SARVA: Defendant Ramesh Sarva: Defendant Ramesh Sarva is a CPA who has been steering his customer toward VEBA plans for over 20 years- and in particular, toward Sea Nine-a...


    Tuesday, January 7, 2014

    Defendants have also directly and indirectly promoted the VEBA plan scheme to prospective participants. Sarva for his part has been marketing Sea Nine's VEBA plans to customers across the United States for nearly 30 years- even before Elliot became involved- and continues to do this today.
    Posted by Lance Wallach at 1:30 PM 3 comments:
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    Labels: Kae Consulting, Kenneth Elliot, Ramesh Sarva, Sarva, Sea Nine Veba, Vista Barranca

    Sarva- More You Should Know
    Sarva has similarly made numerous false statements to his customers about the Sea Nine VEBA plans despite his notice that they are not compliant with Section 419A(f)(6). He touts his many years of work with Sea Nine VEBA plans to potential customers reassuring them that the plans are completely legal. He provides potential plan participants with materials (such as the legal opinions by Elliot and Sea Nine) indicating that after 2004 the Sea Nine plans were not in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Tax Code. And he has promoted the concept that participation in the Sea Nine VEBA plans permits underscoring the cash value nature of the universal or whole life policies that the plans purchase for their participants, even though (noted above) a VEBA plan that operates in this fashion evidences experience rating.
    Posted by Lance Wallach at 3/03/2014 10:20:00 AM
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    Labels: 419, Lance Wallach, Lance Wallach Expert Witness, Sea Nine, Veba Plans
    1 comment:

    Lance WallachApril 26, 2017 at 8:29 AM
    IRS audits sea nine veba, ken elliot and ramesh sarva sued.
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    Lance Wallach

    Lance Wallach, was a leading registered representative, insurance and annuity adviser for Mutual Benefit Life and later for New England Life. He advised thousands of high income clients on annuities, life insurance, and health insurance. Lance also counseled famous Wall Street luminaries such as Hugh Downs and Louis Rukeyser (host of long-running television programs Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser and Louis Rukeyser’s Wall Street). Government officials have also sought Lance’s advice, including; Corman G. Franklin of the Office of Assistant Secretary for Policy US Department of Labor and Jon S. Havicon, an Internal Revenue Service Agent.

    Mr. Wallach is a member of the AICPA faculty of teaching professionals & a renowned national expert in many court cases. He is the author of many best-selling financial & financial law books.
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  12. no matter how big a hammer u use, u cant pound common sense into stupid people

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    Stacey Arenas
    Stacey Arenas
    Assistant Managing Director, Marketing Manager at Vebaplan LLC
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    Federal Court Bars New York Man from Promoting Alleged Tax Scheme
    Accountant Allegedly Marketed Benefit Plans That Unlawfully Increased Tax Deductions and Avoided Income Taxes
    A federal court has permanently barred Ramesh Sarva, a certified public accountant in Little Neck, N.Y., from promoting and selling an alleged nationwide tax scheme, the Justice Department announced today. Judge Josephine L. Staton of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California entered the permanent injunction order yesterday, to which Sarva consented.

    According to the complaint, welfare benefit plans permit companies to pool together and make monetary contributions toward the purchase of life insurance for the benefit of each company’s employees or principals. Participants in legitimate welfare benefit plans may be able to deduct the full amount of their plan contributions as a business expense. The complaint alleged that Sarva falsely informed his customers that the welfare benefit plans he promoted were legal, but in fact, Sarva has been promoting plans that illegally permitted his customers to both claim substantial tax deductions for their plan contributions and later access the full cash value of their plan contributions by taking out loans against the life insurance policies purchased. The complaint alleged that Sarva’s promotion of these unlawful welfare benefit plans deprived the U.S. Treasury of significant amounts of tax and subjected his customers to audits and IRS scrutiny.

    The injunction order bars Sarva from promoting and selling any purported welfare benefit plans. The court also ordered Sarva to provide the United States with a list of his customers and to send copies of the injunction order to his customers.

    In the past decade, the Justice Department’s Tax Division has obtained more than 500 injunctions to stop tax fraud promoters and tax return preparers. Information about these cases is available on the Justice Department website. An alphabetical listing of persons enjoined from preparing returns and promoting tax schemes can be found on this page. If you believe that one of the enjoined persons or businesses may be violating an injunction, please contact the Tax Division(link sends e-mail)

    with details.

    Related Materials:

    United States v. Kenneth Elliott, et al.

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